Pauline and Arthur travel to Southend to search for wayward son Mark.
Den and Angie: Venice for a second honeymoon - after Angie tells Den she has six months to live. Here he also learns she is lying.
Dot Cotton, Ethel Skinner, Mo Butcher, Marge Green : Clacton for a dance competition.
Pat and Frank, Sharon and Grant, Phil and Kathy: France.
Here they find Diane heavily pregnant, and Phil and Kathy got together.
Steve Elliott, Phil and Grant, David Wicks, Bianca and Ricky: Spain. Here they found Sam in bed with David and dragged her back to the Square.
Bianca Jackson, Tiffany Raymond, Sarah Hills, Tony Hills, Dan Zapierri, Melanie Fishman: Blackpool.
Tony and Dan went to push drugs but it ended in disaster when Tony's little sister Sarahs' drink was spiked, she survived. Tony and Simon also got close on the end of the pier.
Grant, Phil, Ian, Ros Thorne: Italy.
The mission was to find Peter and Stephen and they suceeded amnaging to take them back to the Sqaure with Cindy close behind.
Pauline, Ian, Lucy, Ruth, Mark and Martin: Ireland.
They find Paulines long lost sister and her family.
Grant, Phil, Kathy, Tiffany, Bianca, Ricky, Diane: Paris.
Grant and Tiffany bonded, Bianca found out that she was pregnant again, and Phils' marriage ended.
Tony, Simon, Matthew Rose, Theresa Di Marco: Norfolk Broads.
Pat, Roy, Barry, Lenny, Huw: France Football World cup 98.
A set of one off epsiodes broadcast during the tournament.
Melanie Healy, Steve Owen, Sam Mitchell, Ricky Butcher, Mark Fowler, Mick Mc Farlene, Janine Butcher, Dr Fonseca: Brighton
The yall descended on Brighton for a Halloween Ball. Janine was found unconscious on the beach, Mel and Steve slept together but she refused to run away with him, and Ricky and Sam had to share a bedroom.
Terry, Irene, Pat, Frank, Peggy, Roy: Algarve
Pat and Frank sleep together, Terry leaves Irene at the resort.
Kat Slater, Zoe Slater, Lynne Slater, Garry Hobbs, Jamie Mitchell, Sonia Jackson, Robbie Jackson: Brighton
During this visit to the coast Garry proposed to Lynne, Zoe and Jamie slept together and Robbie found his father.
Peggy, Frank, Sam: Spain
Peggy travels to Spain at the news that Frank has died. She does however find that he had staged his own funeral and was alive and well. Again she managed to drag Sam back to Walford.
Phil, Lisa: Portugal
A week of flashback episodes where we see what happened when Phil followed Lisa to Portugal. Lisa handed Louise to Phil - that was the outcome we had to wait 6 months for!!